Tasted sweet potatoes before? How would you like to prepare them?
Sweet potatoes are one of the oldest known vegetables to mankind. This root has a long history behind it. Which I will leave you to find out if you want to dig through the roots of it.
I love sweet potatoes. So far I have tried the purple-skinned, orange, and the brown-skinned ones. They all come from the same family of roots but they all have different colour flesh inside. Some are golden yellow, or white inside while some can be bright orange, purple, or even red flesh inside.
All of them has a sweetness… and a cooling effect. This root vegetable has so much to offer nutritionally and not to mention the taste, the rich and the creaminess within.
This super food has great health benefits. To list a few, they boost your immunity, easily digestible due to the amount of fibre, anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins, improves memory and so much more. It is a superfood with super sweet deals when it comes to improving your health.
I didn’t know this vegetable can be eaten raw. As long as they are grown organically, even the skin can be eaten raw. If conventionally grown, peel the skin before eating first.
When purchasing sweet potatoes, handpick the ones that are firm and has even colours. It is best to avoid soft potatoes if it has cracks, cuts or bruises.
It is best to boil or steam them to preserve the nutrition within. It can also be grilled, baked, fried and cooked into a curry too. Or like I mentioned above, save the time for cooking and eat it raw 😉 I wonder what it would taste like raw.
The leaves of the root can be edible as well. It is also rich in nutrition and flavours. As with most greens, it is somewhat bitter and can be cooked in ways to balance the flavours as how you’d prepare other greens.
I love sweet potatoes.
Relish the sweet rich creamy texture.
Have you ever had it paired with a side or dip that is so opposite to the sweetness? Oh..you should really try it.
The sweetness and the heat, becoming one together so well and yet so different in flavours. Your tongue will come alive with fireworks of flavours. When the heat gets too much the coolness within the sweet potatoes will calm your taste palette. It’s like a perfect marriage.
So today’s recipe is an easy one. I went with the healthiest option to make this sweet potato — boil them.
Wash the potatoes well first, then cut it into desired sizes. I cut mine in half and filled a pot with water, up to a little above the potatoes. Add some salt.
On medium/high heat bring the sweet potatoes to a boil. 20 to 30 minutes the most and it should be cooked. To check if done. Use a knife or a toothpick to poke from the middle to see if goes in smoothly. If so, you may take off the pot from the heat and peel the skin off the potatoes.
Enjoy it with your favourite side or dip.

Sweet Potato
This sweet potato is a simple breakfast, rich in nutrition and flavours.
- 1 Sweet potato
- Water
- Salt
Wash and cut the sweet potato to desired sizes
fill a pot with water, add the potatoes and some salt.
Let it cook on medium/high heat for about 20 to 30 minutes.
NOTE to check if it's done, you may poke the middle with a knife or a toothpick to see if it goes in smoothly.
Once cooked, peel the skin off the potatoes.
Serve it with your favourite dips or sides and enjoy a healthy meal.
These are super easy and quick to make. Can be served with many sides and dips or have it on its own.
Chilli sauce (Mix together 1 tbsp lime juice, 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tsp chilli powder, If too thick add water in little portion to get the right consistency)
Chilli paste/Katta sambal (recipe HERE)
Lunu miris sambal
Freshly scraped coconuts
Coconut sambal (recipe HERE)
Sweet potatoes can be prepared into many varieties of dishes. I like mine the simplest way. How do you like your sweet potatoes? Let me know in the comments below. I’m already looking forward to trying this root again using a different method real soon.
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