Before we get into the in’s and out of an onion and its recipes, let me ask…
Can you go on a day without eating an onion?
Yes, but who does!
Pretty much most of the meals in a day contain hints of onions. Whether powdered, chopped, sliced or diced. They are popular because of their flavour.
Winter is here!
Onions are naturally great to have in the winter. I realize that I tend to use onions more often when it starts to snow out.
I think it’s because they have the power to fight off the common cold, seasonal flu, cough, earache and other common health issues that arise in the winter season.
Onions are a versatile root. They come in different sizes, shapes and colours.
It is easy to turn an onion into something delicious. Cook it with other veggies, deep-fry, sauté, caramelize and can be eaten raw too.
Did you know they continue to rank as the top 2 or 3 of the most eaten vegetable worldwide?
I’m not surprised. I mean, every corner of the world utilizes it to create an unimaginable amount of recipes. So, how can it not be one of the top veggies to be used in culinary!
Types of onions for onion recipes
Commonly they are found in white, yellow, red and purple. The flavours range from mild to sweet and sharp rich flavours.

The white ones are milder in flavour compared to the rest. They turn into a beautiful golden colour when sautéed and taste sweeter.
The yellow ones are like the white ones. They are also sweeter, but they turn golden brown when caramelized. When recipes don’t specify the type of onion, these work best.
Then there are the red and the purple onions. These are served raw in recipes like salads, dips, and even on the grills. Use them on skewers with other colourful vegetables when having a BBQ night.
Although some recipes call for red onions, there were times when I had to create an onion sambal recipe using the yellow onions. You can use whichever type of onions to cook or for raw recipes. The taste differs just a hint. However, the flavour of the dish came through at the end, regardless of the type of onion.
Quick tip; If a batch of onions you purchased turned out to be too strong, rinsing in water may lessen its empowering flavour within minutes. To do so, first, slice them however fits, then let it soak in water for about 15 minutes. Drain and dry before use.
Ways to add onions to your meals
This root vegetable tastes fantastic when sautéed with other colourful veggies. I’ve had them in eggs too numerous times.
If you got a lot of onions, caramelize them or make a stew or soup with them. French onion soup is one of my favourite onion recipes.
There are ways to use them without cooking too. Like on dips, guacamole and salsas. On garden/caesar salad, and chickpea salad too.

I’ve used onions on my 🌶 chilli paste, on Gotukola salad, to make fresh onion sambal, and on 🥥 coconut sambal. One of my favourite onion recipes is to use the shallots on the lime pickle sambal.
Caramelized onions are another one of my favourites. I add my flavour twist with spices and make it last through at least a few meals. I love them. My caramelized onion sambal recipe HERE!
When it comes to creating delicious recipes with onions, one of the most asked questions on Google is…
How to stop the uncontrollable onion tears?
Onions are great and all, but it does have their downfall too.
Have you noticed eye irritation and stubborn tear drops breaking out during an onion cutting session? 🔪🧅
That is because freshly cut onions can cause mild to severe eye irritations, all thanks to Propanethial-S-Oxide (PSO).
When the layers of an onion break, it sets off a chemical reaction, which releases a gas in the air. When it touches the surface of your eye, the irritation starts to take effect, and the nervous system triggers an alert, which causes the eye to tear up. That’s how you get uncontrollable onion tears.

As onions are one of the most used veggies in my kitchen, I found a way that works best to help relieve these side effects.
Try some of these that can help reduce crying when handling onions or completely stop the tears for good.
How to avoid crying when cutting onions?
The million-dollar question!
A follower said she learned as a kid from her oldest sister, and she swears by it that it works, unless, of course, you are doing it all wrong. Her exact words were ‘cut ’em really fuckin’ fast‘
Yes! That works. Just be extremely careful, though, but it is sort of true!
Cutting the onions fast helps get the job done and over with fast. The trick is to use a sharp knife. The sharper a knife, the smoother it cuts through. The harsher the onions wall break, the more gas gets released into the air.
You may not completely prevent eye irritation, but, definitely can control the tears with this trick.
Think… ‘sharper the knife, fewer the tears’
To help stop the tears, let the onion sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes or more before use. Using a fan during the cutting process can help blow off the air away from your eyes.
Leave the ends of the root still intact at the base of the onion while cutting the rest. The onion base has the highest concentration of the rest. So, the less chemical reaction, the less crying.
I’ve read holding a piece of bread in your mouth during cutting helps absorb the onion gas in the air and avoid reaching it into your eyes.
I’d recommend getting yourself a safety glass. It also would help to breathe through your mouth and not the nose. Take your time cutting but do use a sharper knife.
So, you can create flavourful recipes or use onions as part of your meals, anytime, without having to cry every time.

Lookin’ for more flavorful recipes like this?
Take a quick look at the recipe collection HERE.
Choose recipes from snacks & appetizers, curries & sides, sweets & desserts to meals & more.
Find ways to create delicious meals to satisfy your food cravings.
What are the potential side effects of onions?
Onions are one of the staple veggies worldwide for a reason. However, not everyone is keen on onions. Some sensitive individuals may experience one or more of the side effects together.
For starters, stinging eyes when cutting onions. Then the uncontrollable tears and runny nose for some individuals. Commonly this vegetable is known for giving bad breath and unpleasant body odours too.
To name a few other side effects, individuals may experience digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Symptoms include upset stomach, gas, bloating, diarrhea and heartburn (1).
If you got any pets, it’s best to keep them far away off from them.
For some animals, like guinea pigs, cats, dogs and horses, onions can be dangerous. They can become severely sick.
From one foodie to another, It is best to avoid onions before your dental visits. And yes, it makes you weep in the kitchen for cutting them. So what?
Don’t let that stand in the way of enjoying the onions. They can do magic to enhance the flavours of your meals if used moderately.
If you take a closer look, the compounds found in onions contribute to many health gains than the downfalls.
The contents provided on this site/post are mainly intended for informational purposes only and not intended to offer personal medical or nutritional advice. I’m not a nutritionist or a dietitian. Please seek medical advice from a qualified health care provider. Read more.

Onion benefits
It contains about 89% of water, while the rest are made up of an outstanding variety of nutrients to strengthen your immune system.
Onions have a great range of health benefits to humans. To name a few… onions have anticancer properties, antiplatelet activities, antithrombotic activities, antiasthmatic activities and antibiotic effects (2).
The antibacterial found in onions benefits both men and women. This means onions can help fight off potentially dangerous and unwanted bacterias (3). Although more studies are needed, an experiment has shown a potential cure for common eye infections like conjunctivitis and blepharitis (4).
The antibacterial properties in onions help bring shine to your skin, protect you from acne-causing bacteria and skin infections.
Onion benefits for skin and hair growth too.
More studies have shown that onions consumption shows a high antioxidant effect, which plays a role in reverse ageing. Help removes skin spots and improves wound healing due to its anti-inflammatory effect (5).
Also, onions can decrease the risk of cancer, more specifically the gastrointestinal tract (6). Besides, it can lower blood sugar levels, improve bone health, and improve colon health too.
Other onion benefits include cardiovascular diseases (7), neurodegenerative diseases, infertility, obesity, raspatory disorders and more (8).

Try these recipes that show how to incorporate an onion to create a delicious dish.
- Caramelized Onions (Onion Sambal)
- Herbal Soup (Rasam)
- Coconut Roti
- Coconut Sambal
- Fish Sambal
- Spinach Rice
- Spicy Anchovies Sambal
- Spicy Chili Paste
- Onion Relish
- Lime Pickle Sambal
Storing and Prepping Onions
Cooking onions can absorb the odours of other fruits like apples and pears. Also can absorb moisture out of some veggies if placed near together.
So, think twice before storing onions with other fruits and vegetables as they may decay much faster with onions next to them.
The best way to store onions is to place them spread in a single layer at room temperature. In a dry, dark, and well-ventilated location to avoid rooting.
I have my onions in an open wrack, stored towards a corner where it’s much darker and away from other veggies and fruits. We tend to use them before it ever gets bad.
They have about 3 – 4 weeks of shelf life, but the sweeter onions last about a week or two the most.
When it comes to prepping onions, should you be slicing them beforehand to store for later use?
Yes, and it is safe. It all depends on what the recipe calls.
As mentioned above, onions set off a chemical effect when the walls of the layer break. That chemical reaction will not stop. It will continue to react as it sits until you use it on the recipe.
If the recipe mentions, the onions are for cooking. They can be cut/sliced ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator, no more than a day or two. Any longer, the onions may start to smell more pungent, lose flavours and texture.
If the recipe calls for raw onions, it is best to slice as you need, then and there, for a fresh sharp flavour and a crispy texture.
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Other uses for onions, besides onion recipes.
Onions are not only for the added flavours to your meals. It is also useful for other uses besides for food. See below for cool ideas,
- To polish metal objects, use sliced onions and equal part water. Use a clean cloth to rub them on the metal object to polish.
- To clean a barbeque grill, use half an onion to scrub facing down on the grill while still warm.
- Half an onion can help cure earache. Place it face down on the affected ear for a few minutes to relieve pain or to cure the earache.
- An onion can absorb the unwanted paint smell. Cut 2 half of an onion, facing the cut side upward, place them around the room to absorb the smell.
- To get rid of the build-up rusts from utensils and scissors, use a large onion to plunge the rust side in and let it sit for a minute. Repeat this process until the rust clears.
- Onions’ skin can be used to create a natural dye to dye fabrics.
Onions are still one of the most extensively utilized veggies around the world. They are helpful whether in or out of the kitchen.
Even though it has its downfalls, onions are still very beneficial for our overall health and well-being. With the countless onion recipes out there, it is difficult to go on a day without them.
Also, if you ever feel lazy to work out in the cold freezing weather, stay home and eat some onions. They are low in calories and great for gut and bone health.
Look out for some onions today!