Chili Paste Recipe (Katta Sambol)

Everyone loves a good chili paste. Have you tried one of Sri Lankans Chili sambol? Super easy to make, can be made-ahead of time. Serve it with any meals to bring a spicy flavour.

Chili paste is one of my favourites. Why? Well, it tastes salty, sour-y, spicy: all the S’s I love in a chili paste. But back home we have many types of chili pastes that go by different names. This one is called the Katta Sambal. Recipe below…check it out.

I use this Chili Paste on almost anything. I mainly use it on my meals to add that zesty spicy flavour. But I also love to use it as a spread on my chicken sandwiches or toast to add that flare I need.

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