When cookies are made in baking sheets they spread into a perfect circle shape. Left with a soft middle if taken out of the oven at the perfect time.
Set the kitchen timer to the minimum recommended time. if cookies aren't done yet keep a close eye to avoid burnt cookies.
To check if done, press the edges of the cookies with a spatula. If the edges feel close to firm it is done and you may remove it from baking further. It is normal to have the middle of the cookie slightly soft when taking it out. However, when checking the firmness of the edge and it leaves a noticeable dent or goes inward easily, let the cookies bake for few more minutes.
Baking the cookies in a cupcake tray will help hold the shape, resulting in much chewier and a softer middle. I used the smaller cupcake tray, you may use the regular size or the muffin pan as well to bake the cookies. Baking time differ depending on the pan.
It is important to keep a close eye on the cookies after the last check to avoid burnt or over-done cookies.